I need to find myself, you need to find yourself
maybe alone or with someone else
It's my job to get better so I can reach the glory.

It's is not about feeling lonely

It is not about being scared
It is not about going and hiding in the dark... or maybe it can be.

It is about finding the light that makes you go on

Find the force in the little things
Find the happines in the sadness

Lose yourself, my child

Getting lost is the only way to get back
I promise you that it's gonna be so fucking hard 
there is no way out once you get in there.
You're going to cry, want to scream at the winds.
Run as far as dawn.
Punching souls and shadows that get in your way
to realize that it is your own reflection.

Put aside those things that make you stay.
Anxiety will give you anxiety just because you do not want to have anxiety.
You are gonna get crazy... Yes, more than you are now.
Or in the worst cases you wanna take your life away, 
but it is nothing because you are not going to.
You're not weak but you're strong at the same time even when nobody sees it.

Finding the way out is fun, you know why?

Because it is when you lose your shit most of the time.
You have nothing, nobody, feel empty. 
Get adicted to crying.
If I can tell you all the shitty crap I did or  said once not a long time ago.
But I don't want to bother you.

The only thing I can say is from the voice of my little experience... 

But please! Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying that I know everything.
Look, you're gonna lose friends, money, pride, dignity - In case you haven't lost it before making a lot of calls to someone how doesn´t care abou you-.
You're gonna be fine. That is all I can say.

You don't need my help, you don't need the help of anybody. 
The only thing you need is that person in front of the mirror.

The way out is like Alice in Wonderland

Everything and nothing makes fucking sense
You're going to want your birthday to be every day 
and when it is really your special day you won't want nothing from anybody.
And it's okay. 
Your friends are gonna hate you, 
You're gonna cry, 
never get over it but you are gonna move on some way or another.

Oh sorry, like I said before I don't want to bother you with my shit.

Do you wanna know the best part? 

It never ends. It's a fun game, isn't it?
It's a joke that goes on and on and on like a roller coster
With the ups and downs.

Now I'm going to contradict myself: look around.

Yes, you are going to be with yourself the rest of your life, 
but you have more people who cares than you think.
They are friends, pets, strangers, people who depend on you for somethings.

Look child.
See how the darkness forms the stars.
Flee my friend, from that house that names you
with which you carry a great weight.
Float among the rivers before the eyes of those who once gave you light.
Take the flower of life to see what you have always wanted.

Live only for you. 

Get lost for you.
Enjoy the taste of surprise
when you find that version of you that you did not think you knew.
You may feel fear, but it's a beautiful feeling that surrounds you.
that will embrace you when you find yourself.

Believe me it is the best of experiences.


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